Sunday, February 24, 2013

What are the odds?

I am SHOCKED that my roommates even thought of doing this! I wonder if they charged any money to place a bet?

Monday, February 18, 2013

How I broke the news to my roommates

I wasn't sure how to tell my roommates about my decision to go on a mission. Luckily, what happened over Valentine's Day took care of that for me.

Here's what happened. I decided to go out to a movie (by myself) like I do every year. But this time, something unusual occurred.
That kind of thing just doesn't happen to me, so naturally I kinda freaked out, right? I mean, wouldn't you?
That wasn't the end of it! 

But I recovered. Barely. We went out for ice cream (it was only ice cream -- nothing else!) and then we talked and talked and talked and talked. It was crazy! But what was the most crazy was an experience I've never had before (but it was kind of cool!)...
So then I decided I should find out a little more about this guy. There was one thing he forgot to tell me...

But it gave me a chance to break my news to my roommates!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

How it started

I've always thought about being a missionary. I liked the missionaries in our ward, and some of them from our ward. But I think I first became interested in missionaries in Primary. I think it had to do with all that singing.

Sunday, February 3, 2013